Category Archives: Covid-19 Series

Extension of JobKeeper UPDATED

The Treasury has announced the following update in relation to the JobKeeper program:

  1. JobKeeper 1.0 will remain till 27 September 2020 and
  2. thereafter, JobKeeper 2.0 will continue for a further six months till 28 March 2021.

The changes to JobKeeper are:

  • There will be two rates of JobKeeper payments for eligible businesses (including self-employed) and not-for-profits:

1. From 28 September 2020 to 3 January 2021:

  • A $1200 payment per fortnight for:

    –  eligible employees who worked 20 hours or more a week on average in the four weeks of pay periods before either 1 March 2020 or 1 July 2020, and

    –  eligible business participants who were actively engaged in the business for 20 hours or more per week on average

  • A $750 payment per fortnight for other eligible employees and business participants.

2. From 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021:

  • $1000 payment per fortnight for:

    –  eligible employees who worked 20 hours or more a week on average in the four weeks of pay periods before either 1 March 2020 or 1 July 2020, and

    – eligible business participants who were actively engaged in the business for 20 hours or more per week on average

  • A$650 per fortnight for other eligible employees and business participants

The JobKeeper payment will be tapered in the December and March quarters to encourage businesses to adjust to the new environment, supporting a gradual transition to economic recovery. The two-tiered payment aims to better align the payment with the incomes of employees before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Further changes were announced on 7 August 2020 to adjust the employee reference date for eligibility and make it easier for organisations to access JobKeeper. From 3 August 2020, the relevant date for employment will move from 1 March to 1 July 2020.
  • The thresholds for the decline in turnover test will remain the same but now the test must be applied at several points:

    –  To be eligible for the JobKeeper payments from 28 September 2020 to 3 January 2021, businesses and not-for-profits must satisfy the relevant decline in turnover test for the September quarter 2020 (July, August, September) only based on actual GST turnover.

    –  To be eligible for the JobKeeper payments from 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021, businesses and not-for-profits must satisfy the relevant decline in turnover test for the December quarter 2020 (October, November, December) only based on actual GST turnover.

The requirement to reassess the eligibility for the JobKeeper payments over the extension period is to ensure that only the businesses that need the most help will continue to receive the payments.

The JobKeeper payment will remain open to new recipients provided they meet the existing eligibility requirements and the additional turnover tests during the extension period.

The Commissioner of Taxation will have discretion to set alternative tests where an employee’s or business participant’s hours were not usual during the February and/or June 2020 reference period.

The period with the higher number of hours worked is to be used for employees with 1 March 2020 eligibility.

Employers will continue to be required to make payments to employees equal to, or greater than, the amount of the JobKeeper payment (before tax), based on the payment rate that applies to each employee (i.e. the wage condition).

The changes are expected to be implemented through amendments to legislation and the legislative instrument, Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020.

If you have any questions, please contact your Accountant for further clarification.

The Treasury has announced the following:

  1. JobKeeper 1.0 will remain till 27 September 2020 and;
  2. thereafter, JobKeeper 2.0 will continue for a further six months till 28 March 2021.

The changes to JobKeeper are:

  • There will be two rates of JobKeeper payments for eligible businesses (including self-employed) and not-for-profits:

1. From 28 September 2020 to 3 January 2021:

  • for eligible employees and business participants who worked 20 hours or more a week on average in the month of February 2020 – A$1200 per fortnight
  • for eligible employees and business participants who worked less than 20 hours a week on average in the month of February 2020 – A$750 per fortnight.

2. From 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021:

  • for eligible employees and business participants who worked 20 hours or more a week on average in the month of February 2020 – A$1000 per fortnight
  • for eligible employees and business participants who worked less than 20 hours a week on average in the month of February 2020 – A$650 per fortnight.

The JobKeeper payment will be tapered in the December and March quarters to encourage businesses to adjust to the new environment, supporting a gradual transition to economic recovery. The two-tiered payment aims to better align the payment with the incomes of employees before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • The thresholds for the decline in turnover test will remain the same but now the test must be applied at several points:
    • To be eligible for the JobKeeper payments from 28 September 2020 to 3 January 2021, businesses and not-for-profits must satisfy the relevant decline in turnover test for the June quarter and for the September quarter based on actual GST turnover.
    • To be eligible for the JobKeeper payments from 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021, businesses and not-for-profits must satisfy the relevant decline in turnover test for each of the June, September and December quarters based on actual GST turnover.

The requirement to reassess the eligibility for the JobKeeper payments over the extension period is to ensure that only the businesses that need the most help will continue to receive the payments.

The JobKeeper payment will remain open to new recipients provided they meet the existing eligibility requirements and the additional turnover tests during the extension period.

The Commissioner of Taxation will have discretion to set alternative tests where an employee’s or business participant’s hours were not usual during the February 2020 reference period.

Employers will continue to be required to make payments to employees equal to, or greater than, the amount of the JobKeeper payment (before tax), based on the payment rate that applies to each employee (i.e. the wage condition).
The changes are expected to be implemented through amendments to the legislative instrument, Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020.

Changes to the JobSeeker program include:

  • The JobSeeker coronvirus supplement will decrease to A$250 a fortnight from A$550. Therefore, people on JobSeeker will receive a decrease from A$1100 to A$800 (base rate of A$550 plus the coronavirus supplement) per fortnight after September.
  • Recipients will be allowed to earn A$300 a fortnight before facing a reduction in their Government payment.
  • Easing of restrictions for sole traders.

In conjunction with the Government’s announced changes, Treasury has released the report, The JobKeeper Payment: Three-month review. The Government considered the findings in the report in formulating its changes to the JobKeeper payment.

If you have any questions, please contact your Accountant for further clarification.

About the program
The NSW government have introduced new measures to help provide relief for landowners of residential and commercial landowners who provide a reduction in rent to a tenant who is experiencing financial distress as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.

The COVID-19 land tax relief is intended to reduce a landowner’s land tax payable for 2020, by up to 25% for a taxable parcel of land where rent relief has been given to the tenant who occupies the land.

Landowners whom are eligible for the reduction may also defer their land tax payments by up to three months.

Reduction in land tax payable
If you are eligible, you will receive a reduction in your land tax payable for the 2020 Land Tax Year. Subject to the terms provided in the guidelines below.

The reduction will be the lesser of:

  • the amount of rent reduction provided to a tenant for any period between 1 April 2020 and 30 September 2020,
  • 25% of the land tax attributable to the land leased to that tenant.

Land tax attributable to a parcel of land is calculated as follows:

Taxable value of the land divided by aggregate taxable value of all parcels of land, multiplied by landowners’s 2020 land tax liability.

If you haven’t completed payment of your land tax before 2020, the relief will reduce or offset the amount you have left payable. If you have already paid your land tax for 2020, the reduction can be refunded to you.

3 month deferral of outstanding land tax
If you are eligible for this program, and receive a reduction, you’ll also be able to have your outstanding land tax payments deferred for up to three months

Eligible criteria
You will be eligible if:

  • you’re leasing a parcel of land to:
    – a commercial tenant, who has an annual turnover of up to $50 million, or
    – a residential tenant
  • the tenant is in financial distress as a result of COVID-19,
  • you reduce the rent of the affected tenant for any period between 1 April 2020 and 30 September 2020, and
  • for 2020, you have land tax attributable to the parcel of land leased to that tenant.

Financial distress
A tenant is considered to be in financial distress where:

  • for commercial tenants – there is a reduction in turnover compared to a previous comparable period of 30% (or more),
  • for residential tenants – there is a reduction in household income of 25% (or more).

You are responsible for verifying that your tenant is in financial distress.

Rent reduction
In order to be eligible, the rent reduction must not be required to be paid back at a later date. If a reduction in rent is provided, but is required to be paid back at a later date, this is considered to be a deferral of rent and will not be considered as a reduction of rent under this program.

If you are not eligible for the reduction in land tax or a deferral in land tax repayments under this program, but are experiencing difficulty in paying, you can still apply for a payment plan, to extend your payment due date. Click here to apply.

How to apply
To apply for the 2020 land tax COVID-19 relief, you will need to do so via Service NSW. Click here to access the application to apply for the program.

You will need the following too complete your application:

  • MyServiceNSW Account
  • Land Tax Client ID (can be found on your land tax assessment notice in the top right corner of the front page)
  • Land Tax Correspondence ID (can be found on your land tax assessment notice in the top right corner of the front page, under the Land Tax Client ID)
  • Land details for the parcel of land you are applying for the relief for
  • Supporting documentation to demonstrate eligibility for the program
    (examples of supporting documents include, but are not limited to:
    – to demonstrate that your tenant is in financial distress, as defined in the guidelines provided by Revenue NSW. (eg. your tenant’s financial statements, a letter from their accountant or property manager etc.
  • Your tenant’s permission to share their information with Revenue NSW.

Should any additional evidence be required to help establish the eligibility or validity of an application, Revenue NSW will contact the applicant directly.

Revenue NSW have advised that their aim is to process applications on a 30 day turnaround.

Other conditions
If you are applying for this program, once you have submitted the application, you must notify Revenue NSW by submitting an amended application as soon as possible, if there are changes in your circumstances or eligibility for this program. This includes a change in tenant or a change in rent during this period for which an application has been submitted.

An amendment to an application may result in a change to the amount of reduction in tax previously provided, under this program.

Any reassessment of a 2020 land tax liability that occurs after a reduction in land tax previously provided to you under this program.

Applications submitted for the 2020 Land Tax COVID-19 relief will be subject to potential compliance review for legitimacy.

Eligibility of both landowners and tenants can be reviewed to confirm that relief under this program has been submitted correctly.

Providing false or misleading information in an application for this program, or not notifying Revenue NSW of any changes in your circumstances, may result in a land tax reduction under this program being revoked. It is also an offence to provide false or misleading information and penalties may apply.

We have seen a large number of clients enrolling for the $1500 a fortnight JobKeeper payment being offered by the Federal Government. If you have not enrolled or need to revisit your current situation please see our Covid-19 series of articles on our website. The government has extended the time to enrol to 30 May 2020.

As of 4 May 2020 the tax office will be accepting declarations of eligible for employees and business turnover reductions for employers to assess payment of the first two Jobkeeper instalments for the fortnights ended 12 April 2020 and 26 April 2020. Payments will be made to eligible employers nominated bank accounts from the first week in May 2020.

Employers will need to pay eligible employees a minimum of $1500 for each of these fortnights BEFORE 8 May 2020. One payment of $3000 can be made as long as it covers these two fortnights. Note the tax office has extended this date from that previously advised.

Recap of  Jobkeeper steps required to this point

  1. Check if you and your nominated employees meet the eligibility requirements.
  2. Notify eligible employees that you (their employer) intend to participate in the JobKeeper scheme.
  3. Send eligible employees the JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice to complete and return to you.
  4. Keep the Employee Nomination Form on file for five years.
  5. Pay the minimum $1,500 to each eligible employee per JobKeeper fortnight. The first fortnight starts on 30 March and ends on 12 April. Alternatively, employers can make one combined payment of $3,000 for the first two fortnights paid by end of 8 May 2020.
  6. Enrol for JobKeeper from 20 April using the Business Portal and authenticate with myGovID or have enrolment processed by a tax professional through the online tax agent portal.
  7. Subscribe to updates on the ATO website, so the ATO can advise when new information is available.

Steps in preparing eligible employee declaration and reduction in turnover (employer ) declaration

  1. Assess eligibility  of employees jobkeeper-payment/employers/your-eligible-employees
  2. Assess business turnover reduction for employers jobkeeper-payment/employers/eligible-employers
  3. Report information to the tax office

For businesses set up for Single Touch Payroll (STP) enabled software

All of the relevant information will be captured within your STP enabled software. The major software providers have added functionality to assist in calculating eligibility for both employees and for the reduction in business turnover. Whilst this functionally is of great assistance in reporting Jobkeeper information there are several requirements to set up the reporting which you may require our assistance. Should this be the case the Economos team have been fully trained on these systems and are ready to assist where required on a do and charge basis. (We strongly suggest if you do not have STP compliant software that you ask for our advice on setting it up the right software package for you).

For businesses not set up for Single touch Payroll (STP) enabled software

To lodge declarations you will need to do this manually through your business portal using your myGovId or through our professional tax agent portal. Please contact your partner or manager if you require our assistance. (Fees will apply based on the complexity of your situation).

The Commissioner of Taxation has released several different (alternative) tests to assess decline in turnover when applying for JobKeeper payments. Previously the government released what is known as the “basic test” to assess a fall in revenue compared to a previous comparable period e.g March 2020 compared to March 2019.  Where businesses have special circumstances which make this comparison difficult these new  “alternative tests” may be used.

The alternative tests apply in the following cases:

  • commencement of a business;
  • acquisition or disposal of a business;
  • business restructures;
  • substantial increases in turnover during a prior period;
  • drought or natural disasters;
  • irregular turnover periods that are not cyclical;
  • where there is sickness, injury or leave of a sole trader or a partner of a small partnership.

Basically, the taxation commissioner may apply these tests if  “some event or circumstance … outside the usual business setting” makes the relevant comparison of turnover used in the ‘Basic Test” inappropriate. If these new tests are satisfied, businesses may still meet the decline in revenue test which (subject to other criteria)  may make the $1500 a fortnight JobKeeper payment available to all eligible employees.

Further reading can be found at JobKeeper Decline in Turnover tests.

Next Steps
The application of the Alternative Test Rules is very fact specific and requires a number of GST turnover calculations to be made. Due to the wide reaching nature of the alternative tests, clients will likely be able to test using at least one of these alternative methods. Given the deadline for access to the first two JobKeeper payments is drawing near, clients should start looking at these alternative tests now. Please contact your Economos partner or manager for further information or for assistance in applying these measures.

NSW Government Land Tax Assistance
The NSW Government is introducing measures to help commercial and residential landlords manage their rental properties.

At present, the Government have not finalised the specific documents required to apply for the reduction in land tax. However the information supplied would need to show your tenant is in financial distress as a result of COVID-19. These documents may include BAS statements, a letter from an accountant or evidence that the lease was reduced in response to this financial distress, such as copies of old and new tenancy/lease agreements that indicate rent reduction.

We ask that you start to prepare any supporting documents in readiness and we will advise you when the application process is released. Our partners and managers are available should you require assistance.

Basic Elements of the Land Tax Support Package
Includes a reduction of up to 25 per cent of the land tax payable in the 2020 land tax year. It’s available when:

  • your land is used for business or residential purposes
  • you’re leasing property to a residential tenant – or a business tenant with annual revenue of up to $50 million – who can demonstrate financial distress resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak
  • you reduce the rent of the affected tenant by at least as much as the tax reduction
  • the land tax is directly related to the property for which rent has been reduced.

Financial distress is considered to be:

  • for commercial tenants – a 30 per cent drop in revenue
  • for residential tenants – a 25 per cent drop in household income .

Further reading on the package can be found at Land Tax Support Package.

Small Business and Payroll Tax Support
The NSW government is supporting businesses who are experiencing financial distress as a result of COVID-19 with a new support measures. The table below outlines the various packages available depending on your circumstances. For the Small Business Support Grant evidence may be required to support your eligibility including BAS information and a letter from an accountant. For payroll tax the deferral arrangements are still being completed however we will advise you when the details are released. We ask that you prepare supporting document in preparation and as always or partners and managers are ready to assist.

Small Business Support Grant
The NSW small business COVID-19 support grant of up to $10,000 is available to eligible NSW small business owners.

Available Funding – Grant amount is up to $10,000

Eligible Criteria:

  • Must have between 1-19 employees and an annual turnover of more than $75,000
  • Must have total Australian wages below the NSW Government 2019-20 payroll tax threshold of $900,000
  • Must have an Australian Business Number as at 1 March 2020, are based in NSW and employ staff as at 1 March 2020
  • Are highly impacted by the Public Health (Covid-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) (see list on further reading link below) by the NSW Government Shutdown Restrictions defined as a decline in turnover of 75 per cent compared to the equivalent period (of at least two weeks) in 2019; and
  • Have unavoidable business costs not otherwise the subject of other NSW and Commonwealth Government financial assistance measures. Such as utilities, overheads, legal costs and financial advice, more examples can be found in further reading link below.

Assistance Delivery Method – $10,000 Cash Grant

How funding may be used – Grant must only be spent on unavoidable business expenses for which no other government support is available.

Evidence in support of eligibility

  • Must certify to the administrating agency that business meets the Eligibility criteria
  • Must provide a Business Activity Statement (BAS) to demonstrate that the business has an annual turnover of $75,000
  • Must lodge supporting documents as may be required to demonstrate that they meet the eligibility criteria
  • For small businesses that are not on the list of highly impacted industries, a letter from an accountant confirming the decline in turnover will be required

Additional information can be found on the Service NSW website.

Payroll tax relief for businesses with grouped Australian wages of no more than $10 million
Businesses whose total grouped Australian wages for the 2019/20 financial year are no more than $10 million will have their annual tax liability reduced by 25% when they lodge their annual reconciliation, which is due on 28 July. For businesses who lodge and pay monthly and whose total Australian wages will be no more than $10 million for the current financial year, no payment for the months of March, April or May 2020 will be required. Businesses will also have the option of deferring these payments for an additional three months. When lodging your annual reconciliation, you will still need to provide wage details paid in these months and will receive the benefit of a 25% reduction in the amount of tax you would have had to pay for 2019-20.

NSW Payroll Tax Relief

Available Funding – Annual tax liability reduced by 25%

Eligible Criteria

  • Total grouped Australian wages of no more than $10 million
  • Be paying NSW Payroll Tax

Assistance Delivery Method

  • Businesses who lodge and pay monthly, no payment for the months of March, April or May 2020 will be required
  • Businesses will also have the option of deferring these payments for an additional three months
  • When lodging your annual reconciliation, businesses still need to provide wage details paid in these months and will receive the benefit of a 25% reduction in the amount of tax you would have had to pay for 2019-20

How funding may be used – To reduce 2019/2020 Payroll tax liability

Evidence in support of eligibility – 2019/2020 Payroll Tax Reconciliation

Additional information can be found on the Revenue NSW website.

Payroll tax deferral arrangements for businesses with total grouped Australian wages over $10 million
Businesses whose total grouped Australian wages for the 2019/20 financial year are over $10 million, will have the option of deferring the payment of payroll tax for up to six months. These businesses will not need to make their payment for the March period, normally due on 7 April 2020.

NSW Payroll Tax Deferral

Available Funding – Option of deferring the payment of payroll tax for up to six months

Eligible Criteria

  • Total grouped Australian wages over $10 million
  • Be paying NSW Payroll Tax

Assistance Delivery Method

  • Businesses have the option of deferring the payment of payroll tax for up to six months
  • Businesses will not need to make their payment for the March period, normally due on 7 April 2020.

How funding may be used – To defer 2019/2020 Payroll tax liability

Evidence in support of eligibility – 2019/2020 Payroll Tax Reconciliation

Further information – Payroll Tax Deferral
More information regarding the deferral arrangement will be released in the upcoming days.

Please review the information provided in the Government links provided above. If you have any questions, please contact your Partner or Manager.

JobKeeper Payment: Enrolment Reminder

From 20 April 2020 you need to enrol for JobKeeper by either using the Business Portal and authenticate with myGovID or have enrolment processed by a tax professional through the online tax agent portal.

If you require our assistance please contact the firm to request the enrolment of your business. *

As per previous email correspondence  you should have completed items numbers 1 to 4 below. If not, please do so as a matter of urgency.

  1. Check if you, as an employer, and their nominated employees meet the eligibility requirements.
  2. Notify eligible employees that you (their employer) intend to participate in the JobKeeper scheme.
  3. Send eligible employees the JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice to complete and return to you to confirm that they agree to you being nominated as the employer to receive JobKeeper Payments.
  4. Keep the Employee Nomination Notice Form on file for five years.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to undertake the Job Keeper process yourself you need to have access to the business portal via myGovID.

We will be offering our services on a do and charge basis depending on the complexity of your personal situation. More information can be obtained from your partner or manager.

The ATO have released guidance for employers to understand what they need to do to ready themselves for the JobKeeper Payment.

* Please make special note below of the requirement for a business portal with myGovId if you decide to enrol or claim JobKeeper on your own behalf. We ask that you please let us know as soon as possible if you intend to process yourself or require our assistance. The myGovId process can be time consuming and we expect large volumes of business’ trying to access the system on the 20th of April when enrolment opens *

To get ready to claim, employers are advised to:

  1. Check if they, as an employer, and their nominated employees meet the eligibility requirements.
  2. Notify eligible employees that you (their employer) intend to participate in the JobKeeper scheme.
  3. Send eligible employees the JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice to complete and return to you to confirm that they agree to you being nominated as the employer to receive JobKeeper Payments from.
  4. Keep the Employee Nomination Form on file for five years.
  5. Pay the minimum $1,500 to each eligible employee per JobKeeper fortnight. The first fortnight starts on 30 March and ends on 12 April. Alternatively, employers can make one combined payment of $3,000 for the first two fortnights paid by end of April 2020.
  6. Enrol for JobKeeper from 20 April using the Business Portal and authenticate with myGovID or have enrolment processed by a tax professional through the online tax agent portal.
  7. Subscribe to updates on the ATO website, so the ATO can advise when new information is available.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to undertake the Job Keeper process yourself you need to have access to the business portal via myGovID.

We will be offering our services on a do and charge basis depending on the complexity of your personal situation. More information can be obtained from your partner or manager.

Last week the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Act 2020 and the Rules were passed by parliament.

This Act and the accompanying rules with explanatory memorandum encapsulates the rules for receiving the JobKeeper payment.

Light reading can be found here:

The JobKeeper payment requires an application to the ATO. The ATO application is almost ready.

The ATO have provided a link to register your interest in the JobKeeper payment (LINK BELOW), so the ATO can contact you when applications are ready.
The ATO have furthermore updated their website to include the most recent developments.

The Link is here:

What to do next….

If you would like Economos to handle to JobKeeper matter for you:

  • Please let us know ASAP that you want us to assist you with the matter
  • There will be an administrative fee for any applications and ongoing reporting made on your behalf

If you would like to look after the JobKeeper matter yourself:

Due to the matter above being time critical, you may receive numerous, similar emails from our office.

Underneath some quick discussion points from an initial reading of the legislation and explanatory memorandum:

  1. Businesses need to understand Jobkeeper in fortnights. Each of the following is a “JobKeeper fortnight”:
    i) the fortnight beginning on 30 March 2020; and
    ii) each subsequent fortnight, ending with the fortnight ending on 27 September 2020.

Admin process

  1. Businesses need to nominate to participate (with the ATO)
  2. Employees need to respond in writing to employers that they agree to be nominated to participate (this response does not need to be sent to ATO)
  3. Once an employer decides to participate in the JobKeeper scheme and their eligible employees have agreed to be nominated by the employer, the employer must ensure that all of these eligible employees are covered by their participation in the scheme. The employer cannot select which eligible employees will participate in the scheme. This ‘one in, all in’ rule is a key feature of the scheme
  4. qualifying employers that decide to participate in the JobKeeper scheme must, as a condition of entitlement, notify all employees in writing that they have elected to participate in the scheme and that their eligible employees will all be covered by the scheme (if the employee so agrees).
  5. The nomination requirements in subsection 9(3) of the Rules require an employee to provide a notice in the approved form to their employer agreeing to be nominated by the employer for the purposes of the JobKeeper scheme:  The employee:
    • Agrees to be nominated by the employer as an eligible employee under the JobKeeper scheme as the employer with which the employee will participate in the JobKeeper scheme;
    • that they confirm they have not agreed to be nominated by another employer; and
    • that they do not have permanent employment with another employer if they are employed as a casual employee with this employer.

The required wording and forms are available on

Turnover Test

  1. Once an entity satisfies the Turnover test in March or April it does not need to retest its turnover in later months.
  2. The Test periods for the turnover test being compared by can be periods of one month or three months (if three months, then those Quarters reporting periods begin 1 April 2020, and 1 July 2020)
  3. An alternative decline in turnover test applies if there is not an appropriate relevant comparison period in 2019. This might be the case for a new business, started for example in January 2020 or a business that made a major business acquisition in 2020.

Components of the $1500

  1. The component amounts that together must equal or exceed $1,500 are
    i) salary and wages
    ii) PAYG WHT
    iii) super contributions
    iv) Salary sacrifice
  2. The requirement that the component amounts be at least $1,500 applies regardless of whether the employee ordinarily receives more or less than that amount.
  3. If an employer’s ordinary arrangement is to pay its employees less frequently than fortnightly, then the payment can be allocated between fortnights in a reasonable manner.
  4. There are timing rules.  Where the employer wishes to participate in the scheme and receive the first or second JobKeeper payment (relating to the JobKeeper fortnights commencing on 30 March 2020 and 13 April 2020 respectively the employer has until the end of the second JobKeeper fortnight, that is, 26 April 2020, to provide the Commissioner with its election to participate;


  1. A business owner is entitled to participate even if they are not an “employee”
    i) Sole trader
    ii) Beneficiary of a trust
    iii) Director or shareholder of company
    iv) Partner in a partnership
    The individual must be actively engaged in the business
  2. Under s.16 of the ACT participation in the JK scheme requires monthly reporting
  3. The Jobkeeper scheme effectively ceases after the last Jobkeeper fortnight – after 27 September 2020.

But importantly please register your interest and please explicitly advise if you wish us to register for you and maintain reporting (fees will apply).